Elements of the Almost Lost Garry Oak Woodlands





1 Garry Oak

Quercas Garryana – Obviously important for a Garry Oak Ecosystem,

2 Pacific Crabapple

Malus Fusca – To provide food for deer and birds, host for butterflies

3 Red Alder?

Alnus Rubra – to fix nitrogen into the soil, provide some shade for shade plants

4 Mountain Ash?

Sorbus Sitchensis – To provide food for birds, provide some shade for shade plants


1 Camas Lily

Camassia Leichtlinii – Classic Garry Oak Ecosystem flower, wetter soil in sun.

2 Nodding Onion

Allium Cernuum – For pollinators, good native plant for GOE, drier soil in sun.

3 White Fawn Lily

Erythronium Oregonum – For pollinators and deer, good under oaks, drier soil in sun.

4 Nootka Rose

Rosa Nutkana – For bird habitat, (Yellow Chat) deer and pollinators. Any soil in sun or some shade.

5 Mock Orange

Philadelphus Lewisii – Winter food for deer, summer food for pollinators. Drier soil, in the sun.

California Buttercup

Ranunculus Californicus – For pollinators. Any soil in sun.

8 Chocolate Lily

Fritillaria Affinis – For pollinators and ground cover. Drier soil in the shade.

9 Oceanspray

Holodiscus discolor – Cover and habitat for birds (Spotted Towhee) and amphibians (Pacific treefrog.) Dry or moist soil in the sun.

10 Tall Oregon Grape

Mahonia Aquifolium – Food for birds and mammals, ground cover. Any soil, in the shade.

11 Red Flowering Redcurrant

Ribes Sanguineum – Early spring food for pollinators, summer food and habitat for everyone. Any soil in the sun.


1 Common Snowberry

Symphoricarpos Albus – Food and habitat for deer and birds, especially in winter. Drier soil, some shade.

2 Lady Fern

Athyrium Filix-Femina – Ground cover, moist soil in the shade

3 Douglas Aster

Symphyotrichum Subspicatum – Late autumn food for pollinators, moist soil in the sun.



1 Willow

Salix Lasiandra – Habitat for butterflies, cover for ducks, food for deer. Moist soil in the sun.

2 Black Cottonwood

Populus Trichocarpa – Habitat for birds that like tall trees (woodpeckers), nitrogen fixer. Any soil in the sun.


1 Cattails

2 Douglas Aster

3 Salmonberry

4 Red Osier Dogwood

5 Hardhack


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